Even if all the cities burn...

The Devoted is a zine focusing on the relationship between Ike and Soren.

And the seas swallow Tellius...

Ciarre - Head / Organization / Graphics / Layout / Finance / Production / Shipping ModHi, I’m Ciarre! Ike/Soren has such a special place in my heart. I've loved Tellius since Radiant Dawn's release in 2007, and the characters have stuck with me since my childhood to now. Soren, my beloved (and Ike's).Zine Experience | Twitter

VeloxVoid - Writing Mod (icon by @LancerStiler)Mod Grey has been participating in Fire Emblem zines since March 2020, and frequently contributes for the fandom in zines, fandom events, and through writing fanfiction. IkeSoren was my first ever Fire Emblem ship and it's so dear to my heart, with Ike being my favourite Fire Emblem character since Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out in 2008 <3 I'm so excited to mod for this zine and hope to do a fantastic job for you all!Grey will be available as a beta reader for writing contributors and has mod experience from working on:“Adventure Log” — Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Zine (Head Mod & Writer Mod)“Trans-cendent” — Fire Emblem 3 Houses Trans Zine (Head Mod & Writer Mod)
… and more!
Zine Experience | Twitter | AO3

Reiny Days - Art & Merch ModYour local art gremlin who loves FE mages and supposes she can let Ike have Soren just this once.Zine Experience | Twitter

FAQsWhat is a zine?
A zine is a fan project where fans come together to create something for a piece of media, such as a book or a magazine.
How many contributors will you be accepting?
For now, we will be looking at accepting about 25 artists, 5 writers, and 4 merch artists (guests are separate from this number).
Do I need prior experience to participate?
No prior experience is necessary to participate! All Ike/Soren enjoyers are welcome to apply!
Do I need Ike/Soren pieces in my portfolio to apply?
It isn't required!
Are NSFW pieces allowed in our portfolio?
Yes. However, please make sure to tag them properly!
Can I submit previous works I made?
During the creation period, all pieces for the zine must be made exclusively for the zine. However, we may have a submission period afterwards of your older Ike/Soren art/fics you would like to be published.
What is the minimum age to apply?
You must be at least 16 by the time of apps to be considered.
Can I post WIPs or stream my piece?
Please do not post WIPs of the piece itself past the sketch phase. You may also post thumbnails. Likewise, for streaming, please do not stream past your sketch process. We will be providing preview templates for contributors to share previews on social media closer to final submission.
Can I post or sell my finished piece?
Contributors retain all rights to their pieces! However, please only post or sell your finished piece after orders and delivery have been fulfilled. The mods will give the go-ahead for contributors to start posting their pieces.
Contributor Compensation and Fulfillment
All contributors will be guaranteed a free digital copy of the zine and merch regardless if we break even. In the case that we do break even, contributors will be sent compensation ranging from physical zine-only bundles to full bundles for free. If not, contributors will have the option to purchase the zine and merch at production cost!
Profits from the zine will be donated to a charity voted upon by the contributors!

Interest Check12/24 - 1/24
Contributor Applications2/4 - 3/2
App Review3/2 - 3/6
Results Sent3/7
Pitches Due3/13
Check in #13/31
Check in #24/22
Check in #35/20
Final check in6/10
Preorders7/15 - 8/20

Contributor Portfolio and Submission GuidelinesPlease double-check your sample/portfolio sharing links to make sure that we can view them! Applicants can apply for multiple positions (page artist, merch artist, writer), but will be accepted for one position only. Make sure that you are following the guidelines when applying.Artists:
Illustrations for the zine will be in full color, CMYK color mode at minimum 300dpi with guidelines provided. They may opt to collaborate with a writer on an illustration/spot art!
♥Applicants will be asked to submit a link to a portfolio with at least 3-5 works that best represent your skills.
♥Do not submit WIPs. NSFW works are allowed but must be labeled accordingly.
♥At least one Fire Emblem piece is highly recommended, but not mandatory.
♥Traditional art is welcomed! Make sure to scan it in the highest quality (300 dpi).
Merch Artists:
Merch artists will be expected to make 1 to 2 pieces of merchandise, depending on allocation and production feasibility.
♥Applicants will be asked to submit a link to a portfolio with at least 3-5 works that best represent your skills.
♥Do not submit WIPs. NSFW works are allowed but must be labeled accordingly.
♥At least one Fire Emblem piece is highly recommended, but not mandatory.
♥Merch portfolio/samples are preferred! If you do not have any merch examples, you can also submit the art style you’d use for merch.
♥Real-life pictures of previous merch you’ve made are welcomed! Make sure the photo is clear and well lit, so we can see your designs clearly.
Writing for the zine should be kept within 2,500 words. Writers can also choose to collaborate with an artist!
♥Applicants will be asked to submit a link to a portfolio with 3-5 works that best represent your skills.
♥A piece featuring Ike and Soren is highly preferred, but not necessary. We would prefer at least one fic featuring Fire Emblem characters, whether it’s canon-based or AU.
♥You may submit excerpts of longer fics, but at least one must be a complete work and within 2,500 words.
♥NSFW works are allowed but must be labeled accordingly.
♥Please keep the total word count of your submitted samples at no more than 10,000 words.